A raytracer written in Rust, following Ray Tracing in One Weekend, with lots that I'd still like to add (see the README).
It currently differs from the book as lines are rendered in parallel for speed. My design allows for multiple different anti-aliasing techniques (though only two are implented right now, and I may rethink the code structure).

I built this because of the points in the note for craytrace below.
Raytracer in C
A very rudimentary raytracer written in C, follows Ray Tracing in One Weekend up until section 10.

I will likely return to this project after writing a raytracer in a different language, this project hit a wall as early design decisions didn't fully account for future additions. I'll probably rewrite it at some point, implementing metals, dielectrics, camera manipulation, and defocus blur.
Reminders for the terminal, written in C. Mostly complete, still need to implement
recurring reminders and a way to create, delete, and modify reminders without manually
modifying the .reminders
file that stores reminders.

As a christmas gift for someone special, I decided to write up a little game with their favourite artist's lyrics. It's written purely in C and uses Clay for layouting and raylib for rendering.

After being nerd-sniped by a by a tweet, I went about writing an interpreter for the esoteric programming language Brainfuck. I decided to use C and currently it can be built with the Zig build system or GNU Make with GCC.
Memory is dynamically allocated, so if the data pointer attempts to move out of the currently allocated region of data, memory will be reallocated to accomodate.

After a while of no luck debugging, I finally fixed an issue that meant the interpreter was
skipping past more ]
instructions than it should have. So here's some cool
programs running:

HTTP Server in Zig
In an attempt to learn the Zig programming language, I decided to create a basic HTTP server.
It currently only crudely implements the GET
method, but I've been able to locally host
this website with it, which is all I really wanted.

Oxalis (named after a flower affected by the rust fungi) is [going to be] a real-time renderer written in Rust. This is a project I'm doing alongside a friend.
2024-04-23 - A Triangle!
After following the Vulkan tutorial I now have a hard-coded triangle written using the ash Vulkan bindings for Rust, some glsl, and some utility functions and help from vulkanalia.

2024-06-11 - Rewrite
I wasn't sure on the structure of the first attempt and so began a rewrite, though I might sideline this project for a while.
2025-01-28 - Note
I am still planning on getting back around to writing this, but it might be a while as I'm busy with other projects and work.
Frontier is a small Rust command line tool for ease of reproducing installations. It is still WIP (on the back-burner), but currently supports generating a configuration file that lists all user installed packages which can then be installed using Frontier.